8 Week Women’s Circle to fall in love with yourself…so you can create the life of your dreams

What is it you want to create in 2018? A great way to do that is through sisterhood.

This sisterhood circle is designed for you…if you’re an entrepreneur and you’re constantly giving to others and you’re ready to receive.

This sisterhood circle is perfect for you if you are a powerful woman who is constantly giving to others and you know you need to start putting yourself first.

This sisterhood circle is made for you if you crave the support of sisterhood where you are surrounded by other powerful women who can help you see your brilliance.

Dates: Jan 2nd-Feb 20th, Tuesdays from 5-6 pm pst

Each week we’re going to meet and gather in sacred sisterhood circle where we will have group and partner shares and you will be able to share in a space of deep vulnerability.

We will also use movement to help you move through deep emotions and help you embody your self-love.

Week 1

Uncover limiting beliefs

How to notice the limiting beliefs that you have so you can shift them
How to create space for possibility from limiting beliefs

Week 2

100 Days of Self-Love 

How to love yourself every day
Discover an infinite number of things to love about yourself

Week 3


How to instantly shift your mindset from lack to abundance
Daily practice for attracting more abundance into your life

Week 4


How to reprogram your subconscious mind so that it helps you attract more of what you desire in your life
How to shift your limiting beliefs on a subconscious level

Week 5


Create new beliefs about yourself so you can live the life you desire
Surround yourself with your new beliefs so you can become the greatest version of yourself

Week 6


How to fill up your cup so you have more to give to others
How to make self-care a regular practice so you don’t burn-out or get sick

Week 7

Asking for support 

How to ask for the support that you need so that your needs get met
How to open yourself to receiving the support that you need so you can stop doing everything on your own

Week 8

Celebration & completion ceremony 

Reflect back on your journey and celebrate how far you’ve come
Honor the journey you’ve been on and the lessons you’ve learned along the way


60 minute live and recorded weekly calls via Zoom, private FB group, accountability partner

Bonus Gift:

Signed copy of my best-selling book The Naked Truth: A Woman’s Journey to Self-Love

Fast action bonuses: 

30 minute one-on-one clarity breakthrough session, access to my 6 week Live as Love course 


You will fall in love with yourself so you can create the life you desire and deserve.

$999 pay in full or 2 payments of $599

One payment of $999

2 payments of $599

$1111 pay in full or 2 payments of $667 for bonuses

One payment of $1111

2 payments of $667

Fast action takers:
$777 pay in full or 2 payments of $466

One payment of $777

2 payments of $466

About Joie

Joie Cheng, M.S.W., the Self-Love Luminary, is passionate about helping people love themselves so they can live their best life possible. She believes that when we heal ourselves… the world heals.

Joie is a certified professional coach, mentor, healer, and circle facilitator. She is also a trained yoga teacher.

Joie graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Master’s in Social Work from the Jane Addams College of Social Work and received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is the author of her best-selling book The Naked Truth: A Woman’s Journey to Self-Love about her personal journey of healing herself naturally from depression through self love.

She is the founder of Illuminate Your Self Love and the CEO of Joie Cheng International, and is living her dream life in her beautiful ocean view home in sunny San Diego, CA.

Ready To Illuminate YOUR Self-Love?

To receive Joie’s FREE GIFT 7 Day Self-Love Challenge, enter your name and email below.

Don’t worry, we NEVER share or sell your information to any other party, I promise!